I’m @BeneRevolution a healthcare attorney who has successfully navigated the trials of Obamacare while building and selling an insurance business to a Fortune 500 company. I regularly teach employee benefits and human resources at UC Davis. And I’m an avid bass fisherman, writer, and former tournament host and emcee.

“Craig The Healthcare Guru” on the @AandGShow

Direct Contact: (925) 508-0113 | cgottwals@mahoneygroup.com

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This substack will contain my musings on bass fishing, writing, reading, and life. I will reserve most of my employee benefits and healthcare topics for www.Benefit-Revolution.com, but I’ll include healthcare stories relevant to the general public here as well. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

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My musings on healthcare, bass fishing, free markets & books.


Free Market Solutions for Employee Benefits | Healthcare Attorney | "Craig the Healthcare Guru" on @AandGShow | & a Little Bass Fishing | Social Distancing since 1973